CMC Staff
Patrick Fagen, President
Mr. Fagen has over a decade of experience in the mineral and resource industry. From developing and personally operating his own hard rock mines, to advising others on the purchase and sale of other mines, Mr. Fagen has seen all aspects of the permitting and regulation hurdles associated with mining in the United States. With numerous successful projects completed in California, Mr. Fagen is the industry leading expert in California mining, permitting, and regulation compliance.
Prior to working in the mineral and resource field, Mr. Fagen used his entrepreneurial business skills to develop and build a network of health clubs in California and Nevada, which he subsequently sold in 2002.
Mr. Fagen currently owns several private mining investment companies, and is a Director and current CFO of Del Toro Silver Corporation, a publicly traded mining company.
David Pennington, Vice President
Mr. Pennington holds a BS in Civil Engineering, and has over 20 years experience in construction, real estate, business, and finance. He has started and operated numerous businesses and has served in the role of Vice President, President, and CEO of several corporations.
After being involved with a placer/hardrock mining operation in Nevada, Mr. Pennington liquidated the construction company that he had owned and operated for 16 years and devoted his full time to mining and exploration. He now serves as Vice President of California Mining Consultants.