Buy, Sell or Joint Venture

Have a valuable property but don’t know how to best monetize your asset? We can help you fully understand the market value of your property and your financial options.

Key elements for establishing value and marketability for a mining property:

Resource Potential

The first and most important factor for assessing the value of a mining property is to accurately define the potential of the precious metals in the ground. This is typically done through sampling, trenching and exploratory drilling to delineate the extent (strike, width and depth) and precious mineral content (grades) of the ore body.

Permits in Place or Attainable

Just as important as the potential wealth of the mineral resources in the ground, another fundamental consideration of the value of a property is whether or not it can ever be legally extracted. Operating permits in hand provide a considerable market value to any property. If these have yet to be obtained, then a thorough permitting assessment outlining the process for acquiring permits is needed.

Geological Data

Documented historical records and geological data from past operations is invaluable in progressing the effort to define the resource potential. Such data provides vital information for focusing the direction of new exploration efforts. CMC specializes in researching mining properties’ histories and compiling all such reports into a working data base to advance the property.

Canadian National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report

The industry standard for mining property reports is a “43-101” report. These reports must be written by a “qualified person” as defined by Canadian SEC regulations and provide a detailed, accurate and impartial description of a property’s history, development and geology including the defined mineral resources. Recognized as the “industry Bible” a 43-101 report adds significant credibility, value and marketability for any mining property.

Existing Infrastructure & Underground Development

A mining property with a past history of operations typically has some remaining infrastructure such as roads, water source, access to underground workings and possibly power. Any such improvements make exploration and development easier and less expensive adding immediate value.

Market Exposure

The value of a mining property is ultimately determined to a great extent by market conditions and the exposure the property has to potential buyers and investors. CMC can design a full marketing program with attention grabbing informational package and presentation materials specifically tailored for your property.  We can also provide a unique opportunity to get your property seen by our extensive database of industry contacts and qualified investors who are actively seeking permitted mining operations.

If we like it we will buy it!

California Mining Consultants will purchase and/or provide funding for viable mining projects. We have successfully joint ventured and financed several profitable California mining ventures. Teaming up with us can solve all of your permitting, operational and financing problems, and potentially get you top dollar for your mine. Call us today for a free evaluation!