Business Development and Operations
There is a saying – “There are two types of people that attempt to operate small mines – miners with no business experience and business people with no mining experience”. Developing and operating a mine, no matter its size, is an expensive and risky undertaking which requires both business and mining skills. A sound business plan and financial projections are important to keep an operator on track and help insure success. The professional staff at California Mining Consultants has the experience to assist small miners in setting up a mining business and developing their mines in a prudent and cost effective manner. We can provide guidance in structuring your company to insure the best protection of your assets and provide security against any personal liability. CMC has an experienced mining attorney on retainer who has worked with us on numerous deals, and can provide legal advice and work specific to small mine operators.

Safety Compliance
The permitting required to get up and running is just the beginning of the regulatory compliance maze involved in operating a mine. An operator must file numerous applications and notices with both the state (Cal-OSHA) and federal (MSHA) safety agencies prior to commencing any mining activities. These mandated safety regulations are typically more onerous than the environmental permitting requirements and must be addressed on an on-going basis. Fines for violations can be substantial, with civil and criminal penalties of up to $250,000 that can be assessed against the individual operator personally. All workers must have a minimum of 40 hours of MSHA safety training prior to starting at any job. Cal-OSHA requires a certified safety representative, gas tester and blaster for any underground activities. California Mining Consultants can provide assistance in safety compliance and training to your staff. In addition we have industry contacts who can help you obtain the necessary insurances, including worker’s compensation, to protect you and your assets.

Start-up & Operational Assistance
Once an owner has the necessary permits, safety inspections and a sound business plan in hand they can focus their efforts into running the operation. While this is the simplest and most rewarding aspect of a mining venture, it still requires operational diligence and experience to profitably produce precious metals and be successful. All mining projects, large and small, need working capital, qualified miners and operational guidance to run a cost effective business and make a profit. CMC can provide such guidance based on years of experience in operating mines and generating profits in all stages of development, including production.