About Us
California Mining Consultants (CMC) is a full service mine development and consulting company specializing in the evaluation, permitting and start-up of gold mines in the Western US. The company has extensive experience with a successful track record of locating, developing and monetizing profitable gold ventures in California.
Our group of experienced professionals can provide services in all facets of mining start-ups, from project evaluations and feasibility studies, all the way through to putting mines into production. We specialize in addressing the unique and often difficult regulations necessary for mining in California including USFS Plans of Operations, California Surface Mining and Reclamation Plans (SMARA ), California Water Quality Control Board permits as well as Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Cal-OSHA compliance requirements.

CMC also has access to funding for viable mining projects. We have successfully joint ventured and/or financed several successful California mining ventures. Our extensive contacts in the mining industry offer the small scale operator financing and start-up opportunities typically only available to the major mining companies.
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